Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Unit VII Discussion Board

Unit VII discussion

Q Hello Class, Welcome to week #7! Why is discipline the most significant issue for the union and management organizations? Describe how this significance has shifted over time. Please include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in the subject line. For example, "Tom's response to Susan's comment." Remember to respond to the Discussion Board Assignment by Saturday, Midnight (Central Time). Then your response to one other learner is due by the following Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time). Commenting on another student’s response is required for Unit One. Late postings will be awarded 0 points. I look forward to our discussions.

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The most significant issue for the union and management organizations is discipline because motivation can become decreased for members of unions with not listening members of management and vice versa. There can be lack of consideration and addressing of problems of unions by management organizations also. There can be efficiency of employees becoming deteriorated because of lack of discipline in the workplace. Production and productivity can also become deteriorated because of lack of discipline among members of the organization. There can be lack of empathy shown by members of union towards management organizations and vice versa leading to lack of synchronization and understanding.